PayPal Monetary Donations: Money raised is used to purchase needed supplies, emergency hotel rooms for at-risk people, food, gas for our vans, and much more. Due to a large (and growing) need in the Chippewa Valley, we are constantly low on funds, making it difficult to provide for those in need. Please consider a tax-deducible donation to CVSM - 100% of donated money is used to help people who are homeless, needy, or trafficked.
On the PayPal checkout page, please add in the "add a note" section weather you want your donation to go to the STREET ministry or the RURAL ministry.

Donations Needed:
We urgently need the items listed below. Please consider donating! All donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE, contact us for information!
THANK YOU for all of the donations! We, and those we serve, are extremely grateful for your generosity and willingness to provide much needed items. Our current needs are:
General Needs - needed all times of the year (see HOME PAGE for current needs):
We desperately need CANDY and other food items such as GRANOLA BARS, Small 'fun sized' candy, crackers, etc -- individually wrapped. Please donate if you can, perhaps you employer or group that you belong to would consider a donation. Contact us with questions.
We are in great need of BACKPACKS!!! The people we serve depend on backpacks to carry their belongings, often everything they own, from place to place.
Underwear: Men's & Women's, new in package preferred.
Bus Passes
Food cards (Subway, McDonalds, etc.)
Gas cards (Kwik Trip, Holiday, etc.)
Monetary Donations
Also, we always gladly accept the following winter items:
Winter Coats, warm, XL and bigger
Thermal underwear, especially bottoms
Winter boots, all sizes, both men and women
Large / X-Large warm gloves
Hoodies, especially XL and larger
We do not hand out cash and occasionally have requests for help paying for gas, and when we put someone in a motel at night we need to provide food for them. Gas and food cards are a big help!

Please note the following:
Because of the fire to Plymouth UCC, all material donations can be brought to:
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
1120 Cedar St.
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Items can be dropped off between the hours of 8:00am and 3:30pm.
For monetary donations or for gifts of food cards or gas cards: please MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE to Chippewa Valley Street Ministry and send it to the following address:
Chippewa Valley Street Ministry
P.O. Box 51
Eau Claire, WI 54702
PLEASE BE ADVISED that Plymouth Street Ministry and Chippewa Valley Street Ministry are one in the same. We are gradually changing from Plymouth Street Ministry to Chippewa Valley Street Ministry and will be providing more information relating to changes in the future. Our missions will not be altered in any manner. Contact us via email with questions!
On behalf of the people we serve and that benefit from your donation, thank you!
**Donations can be dropped off at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd*
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
1120 Cedar Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703