Chippewa Valley Street Ministry Journal - January 31, 2020
It is hard to believe that January has already come to an end. For the street ministry, the time goes quickly as we attempt to meet needs for those less fortunate. We are looking forward to warmer weather when some of the concerns of winter such as frostbite and hypothermia will be alleviated.
Out on the street tonight were Wendy, Marj, Barb, Brent, Steve, Pastor Mike, Brian and myself. It was dry and not too cold, quite manageable for this time of year. We served approximately 30 people, one of whom recently was approved for housing and was very happy to share her news. A few months ago she asked if we could help her with a few items when and if she obtained housing. Tonight she announced that she had housing and she was delighted to know that we had the necessary items. We wish her best.
A man arrived and inquired about a need that he'd shared at a previous visit. Each time he comes, he not only sincerely thanks us for being out there but he gives us blessings, as well. It has always impressed me that people who are in such need and living in such conditions can think beyond themselves, I'm not sure we could all do that. He's been out there for quite a long time, we hope he finds home soon.
Please be on the lookout for our needs list and a special request.
Thanks, always, for your prayers and support.
Social Worker
Street Nurse
Chippewa Valley Street Ministry Journal, January 24, 2020
We often talk about the challenges that the people we serve experience while living without permanent shelter, whether it be issues relating to social justice or mental health or physical health. On this day, we were once again reminded of those challenges and were grateful to be in the right place at the right time to offer our help to someone in need. Read Barb's note:
Friday, January 24, 2020
Pastor Mike, Chuck, Brent, Kelly, Wendy, Brian, Marge and I were on the street tonight. It flurried throughout the night, but thankfully, the temps were warmer. We had requests for long underwear, hats, gloves, and shoes. A mom carrying her young child walked over from the family shelter. We always try to provide clothing and other needs for the children we see as well.
One woman whom we have known for quite some time, came over to us asking for help. She was having an reaction to a medication that she had taken. Wendy and I took her to the emergency room. The homeless face so many different challenges each and every day. As volunteers, our main concern is for their safety and well-being. Please keep those we serve and us in your thoughts and prayers.
Because we've established ourselves with the people we serve, there is a comfort to them whey they come to us to ask for help. This situation could have turned out much differently had the woman been too afraid to ask anyone for assistance.
With this being our first journal of 2020, we wanted to share some of our street ministry statistics with you. All of our work is directly related to you -- through donations, prayer and overall community support. We operate on donations and are grateful for your interest and concern for our brothers and sisters in need.
Please check out our needs list as it has been updated. Keep our brothers and sisters in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you!
Social worker
Street nurse